
Treatment Branches of Ayurveda

The main eight branches of ayurveda are:

1.Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
Describes ailments of adults not treated by other branches of Ayurveda. Hence known as general medicine.

2.Balachikitsa (Paediatrics)
This branch deals with the prenatal and postnatal baby care as well as the care of a woman before and during pregnancy. It also elaborates various diseases of children and their treatments.

3.Graha Chikitsa (Psychiatry)
The study of mental diseases and their treatments. Treatment methods include medicines, diet regulation and yogic methods for treatment of mental diseases and improving psychic power.

4.Salakya Chikitsa (ENT and Cephalic Diseases)
This branch deals with the diseases of ear, nose, throat and head and their treatments including special techniques for curing these diseases.

5.Salya Chikitsa (Surgery)
Maharishi ’Sushrutha’ is the first surgeon who is also the author of Salya Chikitsa, the foremost speciality of Ayurveda. He describes various surgical operations using different surgical instruments and devices.

6.Visha Chikitsa (Toxicology)
This branch deals with the toxins from vegetables, minerals and also toxins from animal origins. The concept of pollution of air and water in certain places and seasons has been given special consideration. Such pollution is also said to be the cause of various epidemics.

7.Rasayana (Rejuvenation Therapy)
This branch which is unique to Ayurveda, deals with prevention of diseases and promotion of a long and healthy life. It also advises how to increase our health, intellect and beauty.

8.Vajeekarana (Aphrodisiac treatment)
This branch deals with the means of increasing sexual vitality and efficiency.

There are also two other branches:

It deals with the diseases of the plant kingdom and their treatments (known as Agriculture).
This Science deals with the diseases of animals and their treatments (known as Veterinary Science).

All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]

Thank You,



Treatment Branches of Ayurveda

The main eight branches of ayurveda are:

1.Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
Describes ailments of adults not treated by other branches of Ayurveda. Hence known as general medicine.

2.Balachikitsa (Paediatrics)
This branch deals with the prenatal and postnatal baby care as well as the care of a woman before and during pregnancy. It also elaborates various diseases of children and their treatments.

3.Graha Chikitsa (Psychiatry)
The study of mental diseases and their treatments. Treatment methods include medicines, diet regulation and yogic methods for treatment of mental diseases and improving psychic power.

4.Salakya Chikitsa (ENT and Cephalic Diseases)
This branch deals with the diseases of ear, nose, throat and head and their treatments including special techniques for curing these diseases.

5.Salya Chikitsa (Surgery)
Maharishi ’Sushrutha’ is the first surgeon who is also the author of Salya Chikitsa, the foremost speciality of Ayurveda. He describes various surgical operations using different surgical instruments and devices.

6.Visha Chikitsa (Toxicology)
This branch deals with the toxins from vegetables, minerals and also toxins from animal origins. The concept of pollution of air and water in certain places and seasons has been given special consideration. Such pollution is also said to be the cause of various epidemics.

7.Rasayana (Rejuvenation Therapy)
This branch which is unique to Ayurveda, deals with prevention of diseases and promotion of a long and healthy life. It also advises how to increase our health, intellect and beauty.

8.Vajeekarana (Aphrodisiac treatment)
This branch deals with the means of increasing sexual vitality and efficiency.

There are also two other branches:

It deals with the diseases of the plant kingdom and their treatments (known as Agriculture).
This Science deals with the diseases of animals and their treatments (known as Veterinary Science).

All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: aniljoy23

Thank You,
