
test doc 2

Botanical Name: Abies webbiana Lindl.

Family: Pinaceae


Talisa patri used for the respiratory disorders.


Names in different Indian languages


Indian Silver Fir,

The West-Himalayan High-Level Fir,

The East-Himalayan Fir








Talisapatram, Talisa








Badar, Chilrow,








Taalisa, Taalisapatra, Taalisha, Patraadhya, Dhaatriparni, Dhaatripatra

Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Spach.

Pinus webbiana Wall.


Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata









Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)


 1. Taxus baccata   [CV]

2. Abies spectabilis

3. Rhododendron lepidotum.  [CV]

4. Rhododendron anthopogen   [CV]

5. Rhododendron compandulatum  [CV]



Abies alba

E:\New CD Work\NEW CD\plants\Abies webbiana\Abies alba_illustration.jpg

Abies concolor

E:\New CD Work\NEW CD\plants\Abies webbiana\Abies concolor 'Compacta'.jpg

Abies koreana

E:\New CD Work\NEW CD\plants\Abies webbiana\Abies koreana 'Piccolo'.jpg

Abies nebrodensis

E:\New CD Work\NEW CD\plants\Abies webbiana\Abies nebrodensis.jpg

Abies pinsapo

E:\New CD Work\NEW CD\plants\Abies webbiana\Abies pinsapo foliage.jpg


A tall evergreen tree, upto 60 m high, 3- 10 in girth.

Bark— silvery white or greyish brown, very thin. Winter buds strongly resinbus, globose. large.

Leaves— variable in size, densely set in 2-4 ranks on stout branchiets, dark green, lustrous, coriaceous, persisting upto 10 years. Male catkins 1.5- 2 cm long, ellipsoid Female cones 14-20 con x 4-6 cm, cylindrical, Purple when young and brown when old, with broad .fan-shaped scales and slightly exerted or concealed bracts.

Seeds.- 8 mm long, angular oblong-obovate, winged.

Distribution & Habitat

Found in Himalyas from Kashmir to Assam at 1500- 5000 m.


Chemical constituents:

 abiesin, n-triacontanol, beta-sitosterol and betuloside, alpha-pinene, l-limonene, deltacarene, dipentene, l-bornyl acetate , l-cardinene



Rasa Tikta, Madhura

Guna Laghu, Tiksna

Virya Usna

Vipãka Katu

Karma Kapha-vatahara, Hrdya, Dipana, pachana

Expectorant, bronchial sedative, decongestant, anticatarrhal, antiseptic, carminative


Dosha : kapha vataghna

Dhatu :rasa

Mala :mutrala

Organ : lung


svãsa, Kãsa, Mukharoga, Ksaya, Chardi, Aruci, Agnimãndya, Gulma, Raktapitta, Hikkã.

Cough, asthma, leprosy, fever, vomiting, colic

Part used:



Powder 2-4 g

Internal uses:

Respiratory System : Explore tent ,cures svsa & kasa

Digestive System: Increases appetite

Nervous System : Stimulates nerves mainly vagus

Important Yogas or Formations:

Talishdi vati. Tãlisãdi cürna, Tãlisãdi gutika



Therapeutic Uses:

(1) Aruci— Powder of Talisapatri is mixed with camphor and sugar candy and taken orally (A.H.Ci. 5).


(2) Kãsa— Powder of Talisa patri is given with the juice of vãsã leaves

(3) Raktapitta— Juice of Vãsã and powder of Talisa patri are given with honey (V.M.)

Descriptions on Ayurveda books / Nighandu:







Brahmi Ghrita – Uses , Side Effects and preparation

Brahmi Ghrita – Uses , Side Effects and preparation

Brahmi Ghrita is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal ghee form. This medicine has ghee as its base. It is used for preparatory procedure for Panchakarma and also as medicine, mainly for treatment of improving intelligence, learning skills and speech.

Brahmi Ghrita benefits: 

It is widely used as medicine and also in preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of improving learning skills, intelligence, memory, speech. It is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, epilepsy and female infertility. Reportedly overcomes impotency.

It is used for treating



Myalgia – depression induced bodyache

Stress disorder

Effect on Tridosha – Calms Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Brahmi Ghritam dosage: 

As medicine – quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

For Panchakarma preparation – Snehana procedure, the dose depends on the disease status and the judgement of Ayurvedic doctor.

It is usually administered with warm water.


Light pathya rules are to be followed. Avoid wine and non-vegetarian food. Keep the body clean.

How to use Brahmi Ghrit as a brain tonic for healthy people?

If you are healthy, still want to use Brahmi ghrita, then take half a teaspoon of this, just before your morning cup of coffee / tea / milk. You can take it for up to two months. Note that you have to have some hot drink or at least hot water, after taking this herbal brain tonic ghee.

Brahmi Ghritam Side Effects: 

There are no known side effects with this medicine. However it is best to use this product under medical supervision. Self medication with this medicine is discouraged.

People with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and high BP should exercise precaution.

In very high dose, it may cause diarrhoea and indigestion.

Synonyms: brahmi ghrita, brahmi ghritam, brahmi ghrit, brahmi ghritham

Brahmi Ghrit Ingredients: 

Brahmi – Bacopa monnieri juice extract – 1.536 liters

Ghrita – 768 ml

12 g of each of

Trikatu – Pepper, long pepper and ginger

Shweta and Krishna Trivrit – Operculina turpethum

Danti – Baliospermum montanum

Shankhapushpi – Clitorea ternatea

Nripadruma – Cassia fistula

Saptala – Acacia sinuata

Krumihara – Embelia ribes

Brahmi Ghrutham reference: Ashtangahrudayam Uttarsthana 6/23-25

Another reference of Brahmi ghritam:

Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 10/25

ब्राह्मीरस वचा कुष्ठशङ्खपुष्पीभिरेव च|

पुराणं घृतमुन्मादालक्ष्म्यपस्मारपापनुत्||२५||

brāhmīrasa vacā kuṣṭhaśaṅkhapuṣpībhireva ca|

purāṇaṃ ghṛtamunmādālakṣmyapasmārapāpanut||25||

Old cow ghee (1 part) is cooked with

4 parts of Brahmi Juice (Bacopa monnieri) and

The paste of

Vacha – Acorus calamus Linn.),

Kushta – Saussurea lappa and

Shankhapuspi – (1/4th part in total)

This medicated ghee is indicated in –

Unmada – insanity

Alaksmi – inauspiciousness

Apasmara – epilepsy and

Papa – effects of devil deeds

Scientific research on Brahmi Ghrita in patients of depression:

In a clinical study conducted by Dept. of Panchakarma & Manasa Roga, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, India, Brahmi ghrita showed moderate improvement in 50% patients and mild improvement in 35% patients. Its total effect was statistically highly significant (p<0.005) as compared to placebo.

Food to avoid and have during Brahmi Ghrit –

1. It is better to drink hot water soon after taking Brahmi Ghritham.

2. It is best to avoid cold water / cold food stuff soon after taking this ghee.

3. While taking this ghee, better to avoid excess of garlic and onion and excess of non veg food. (to improve Satt/vik nature of mind)

Food to take – 

Vitamin E Rich food like almonds, sunflower seeds, Fortified cereals, Nuts, Vegetable oils, peanuts, Cooked spinach, Tomato, turnip greens, peanut butter, wheat germ, Avocado.

Fish oil, soyabean are some of food that are good to take.

Pregnancy, lactation and children:

Seek medical advice for its usage during pregnancy

Ashokarishta- uses, dose, side effects and ingredients

Ashokarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine. It is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding and other gynecological complaints. It contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol, which acts as medium for herbal active principles. This is also called as Asokarishtam.

Asokarishtam uses: It is used in Ayurveda treatments for many diseases like Pain menstruation, heavy periods, fever, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids, inflammation, indigestion and lack of taste.

Effects on Tridoshas: Balances Pitta Dosha.

1. It is usually prescribed by many Ayurvedic doctors for treating menstrual irregularities. If you have severe bleeding then Ashokarishtam may be helpful for you, but if you do have irregular prolonged cycle, then it is not a good idea to take this product. It is only helpful in short menstrual cycle and in heavy menstrual bleeding.
2. Though it is used primarily in female complaints, it is also useful in many other diseases as mentioned above.
3. Ashokarisht contains about 5 – 10 % of self generated natural alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.

Other traditional uses of Ashokarishta –

Asrigdhara – heavy menstrual bleeding

Ruja – useful in dysmenorrhoea – painful periods

Jwara – fever

Raktapitta – bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding

Arsha – bleeding hemorrhoids

Mandagni – low digestion strength

Aruchi – anorexia, lack of taste in food
Ashokarisht side effects: If given for wrong complaints, as mentioned above, it may cause delayed periods and prolonged menstrual cycles.

Dose: 5 – 10 ml, once or twice a day, after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. Those with irritation in the stomach can take this with equal quantity of water.
Adjuvants: Pravala bhasma.
How long to use?

Based on doctor’s prescription, this medicine can be used for 4-8 weeks in cases of fever, anorexia etc.

In heavy periods, it can be used during the periods, till the periods lasts.

If the periods are very heavy, then it can be taken from one week before periods sets in till it lasts.
Safe for kids?

It is safe to use this medicine in lower dose, in children above 5 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation –

During pregnancy, it is best to avoid this / take this only under medical supervision.

During lactation period, it can be taken in lower doses, based on doctor’s advice.
Asokarishtam ingredients: 

Ashoka – Saraca asoka – Bark – 4.8 kg

water for decoction – 49.152 liters

Kashayam – decoction – 12.288 liters

Guda – jaggery – Saccharum officinarum – 9.6 kg

Prakshepa –

Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – flower – 768 g

Musta – Cyperus rotundus – Rhizome – 48 g

Shunti – Ginger – Rhizome – 48 g

Ajaji – Nigella sativa – Fruit – 48 g

Daruharidra – Berberis aristata – Stem – 48 g

Utpala – Nymphaea stellata – flower – 48 g

Haritaki – Terminalia chebula – fruit – 48 g

Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica – fruit – 48 g

Amalaki – Amla – Indian gooseberry – fruit – 48 g

Amrasthi – mango seed – 48 g

Jeeraka – cumin seed – 48 g

Vasa – Adhatoda vasica – whole plant – 48 g

Chandana – Santalum album (sandalwood) – 48 g
Method of preparation

The herbs mentioned are coarsely powdered and kashaya (water decoction) is prepared. The kashaya is strained and kept in the fermentation pot, vessel or barrel. Sugar, jaggery or honey, according to the formula, is dissolved, boiled, filtered and added. Drugs mentioned as Prakshepa  Dravyas are finely powdered and added. At the end, Dhataki puspa, if included in the formula, should be properly cleaned and added. The mouth of the pot, vessel or barrel is covered with an earthen lid and the edges sealed with clay-smeared cloth wound in seven consecutive layers. The container is kept either in a heap of paddy, so as to ensure that for the duration of fermentation, as far as possible, a constant temperature may impede or accelerate the fermentat

Avipathi churna

Avipathi Choornam – Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients, Side Effects

Avipathi Choornam is a famous Ayurvedic herbal powder, used in treatment of Pitta imbalance disorders. This product is formulated based on Kerala Ayurveda principles. 
Avipathi Choornam uses:

It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of all types of Pitta imbalance disorders such as gastritis, migraine, excessive burning sensation all over the body, increased thirst and digestion, exhaustion due to sun exposure, sun burn, dizziness etc. It is also useful in treatment of liver disorders such as jaundice. Also good in spider and rat poison.
Avipathy Choornam dose:

1 – 3 grams once or twice  a day, before or after food, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. As per textual reference, it is added with little quantity of honey, made into the form of bolus or small tablet and patient is asked to consume it. Or in hot water.
Avipathi Churnam ingredients:

10 grams of each of

Trikatu – pepper, long pepper and ginger

Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Patra – Cinnamomum tamala

Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum

Ambhoda – Musta – Nut grass (root) – Cyperus rotundus

Krimighna – Vidanga – False black pepper – Embelia ribes

Amalaki – Indian gooseberry fruit – Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

Trivrit – Operculina turpethum

Sugar – 100 grams
Side effects: Since it contains sugar, it is not indicated for diabetic people.

Overdosage may cause diarrhoea and stomach ache.

Children, pregnant and lactating mother should seek doctor’s advice before taking this product.
Reference: Sahasrayoga Choorna Prakarana, Astangahridayam.