
Oral Health-Gandusha-Kavala Vidhi

Both of these are types of gargling of medicated decoctions. The only difference is in the drug dose.

Mouth is filled with medicated decoctions at its maximum capacity. There is no space for rinsing of mouth. The medicated decoction is only held in mouth for some time and then spitted out.

In this type, the quantity of decoction is small. There is actual gargling of medicated decoction.

Diseases of ear, mouth, throat, eyes etc.
Increased saliva secretion
Facial paralysis
Neck rigidity
Head ache
Disorders of head
Gandusha and kavala are also indicated in day to day life to achieve benefits

Benefits of Gandusha and Kavala
Improved voice quality and complexion
Increases muscle power of cheeks
Increases taste sensation
Prevents diseases of mouth, lips and dental diseases (Complete oral health)
Lightness of body
Freshness in body and mind

Types according to action of Gandusha
Snehan gandusha
Shaman gandusha
Shodhan gandusha

Snehan gandusha
Oils are used along with medicines of sweet, sour and salty tastes i.e. rasas. Useful for diseases dominated by vata dosha.

Shaman gandusha
Useful for diseases dominated by pitta dosha. Medicines used for gandusha have following rasas – bitter, astringent and sweet

Shodhan gandusha
Used for diseases dominated by kapha dosha.
Medicines used for gandusha have following qualities
Tikshna (sharpness)
Ushna (hotness)
Ruksha (dryness)
Sour and salty taste
Ropana gandusha
Used for wound healing.

Medicines used for gandusha have following qualities
Ushna (hotness), astringent, sweet

Procedure of Gandusha

Snehan – oleation of forehead, face, throat with sesame taila / oil
Swedan – fomentation of face, throat

Main Procedure
Hold the warm medicinal decoction or water with oil in the mouth and rinse it. Spit it when there is appearance of secretions coming from nose, watering of eyes. Process should be repeated up to symptoms of proper gandush appears.

Symptoms of proper Gandusha
Relief from diseased symptoms
Mental relaxation
Enhanced action of sense organs
Decrease in kapha (accumulated in mouth)

Symptoms of incomplete action of Gandusha
Accumulation of kapha in mouth
No relief from disease symptoms
Symptoms of excess action of Gandusha
Mouth ulcers
Increased thirst



All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]

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