In ayurveda, depression is known as is caused by the increase in the tamas and rajas of the mind with a vitiation of the kapha dosha. sometimes,an imbalanced vata may also be responsible for depression.
Depression needs to be looked after and treated as soon as it is some people,depression may be very dangerous as they could resort to endangering their own and other people’s lives.
Useful herbs in the treatment of depression
1. Ashwagandha: Has the requisite properties to remove negative thoughts from the mind.the aphrodisiac properties of ashwagandha also help in improving the mind and removing depression.
2.Brahmi: Is prescribed before a yogic session. the reason is that brahmi helps to relax the mind and bring it to a comfortable state. Brahmi is very popularly available in the form of oils. The oil has a cooling and soothing effect on the mind.regular use of this oil can prevent the person from feeling depressed.
3. Cardamom: Has a very pleasing odor which can soothe the nerves.when a person is depressed,a tea made by putting cardamom in it can have almost miraculous effects.
4.Guggulu: Has become the focus of attention recently due to the presence of special chemicals in it called as guggulsterones. These chemicals improve the nervous coordination and hence are beneficial in the treatment of depression. Guggulu is more effective in depression caused due to seasonal affective disorder.
5.Jatamansi: Brings a calming effect on the canalizing the energies of the mind in the right direction, jatamansi can remove the depressive thoughts.
6.Turmeric: Is effective in treating depression that is caused by the change of seasons, i.e. seasonal affective disorder.
Dietary treatments for depression
For people with depression a heavy food is not advised.the person must not eat to the full capacity. Hot,spicy and pungent tastes must be avoided as these will aggravate the senses further. Fluids and fresh vegetables (in salads) must become an important part of every meal. The person can have cool sherbets like rose sherbet in the middle of the day,especially in the afternoons and when the evening is beginning. Tea and coffee may be taken occasionally to stimulate the brain.
Most people with depression lose their appetite and desire to eat.for such people,food must not be forced,or it could lead to vomiting. When such a disinterest in food occurs, fruits can be consumed.a diet rich in fruits is beneficial in the treatment of depression.
Ayurvedic treatment for depression:
Even in ayurveda, a psychological counseling between the physician and the patient is undertaken. This helps the physician to understand the root cause of the depression. Then they can take the formulated steps to cure the problem.
1.Such counseling is done to increase the sattva of the mind.
Slowly allowing a stream of water to fall in the center of the forehead enables the mind to remove its negativistic thoughts and focus more on a positive outlook. This therapy is known as shirodhara and it is becoming very popular in the western world also. An alternative therapy is shirobasti. The oil massage therapy called as abhyanga is also very useful.
Ayurverdic professionals also advocate the use of yoga in keep the mind restful. Praanayama and yoga must become an important part of a person’s daily routine. This helps to concentrate the mind on positive thoughts and depression will never occur. Yogic asanas that are beneficial to people with depression are bhujangasana, halasana, paschimottasana, sarvangasana, shalabhasana, shavasana and vakrasana. In addition, pranayamas like bhastrika and kapalbhati are very strongly advised.
Home medications
1.Get someone do a good head massage with a cooling oil like brahmi oil.
2.Improve the regimen of your day.begin with yoga in the morning and then listen to good soothing music. Gor some people, visiting their religious places of worship also helps to come out of depression.
3.Focus your mind in other activities and hobbies in order to keep the thoughts causing depression away.
4.You can try eating an apple with milk and honey. This helps to improve the mood.
5.Simple lemon juice (the extract of one lemon in a glass of water, sweetened with sugar) is also good. It releases stress-removing hormones and brings the mind at ease
All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]
Thank You,
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Cow is a mobile dispensary. It is the treasure of medicines. The cow urine therapy is capable of curing several curable and incurable diseases. The holy texts, like atharva veda, charak samhita, rajni ghuntu, vridhabhagabhatt, amritasagar, bhavprakash, sushrut samhita contain beautiful description about these things. Cow urine treatment and research center, indore has conducted a lot of research in the past few years and reached at the conclusion that it is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, aids, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems, abortion and several other diseases.
The analysis of cow urine has shown that it contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succenic, calcium salts, vitamin a, b, c, d, e, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold acids. A person falls ill when there is deficiency or excess of the substances inside the body. The cow urine contains those substances, which are present in the human body. Therefore consumption of cow urine maintains the balance of these substances and cures incurable diseases.
The indian culture gives special place to cow. All the 33 gods have cow as their prime temple. Deva means to give, the strength to give, the ability to give more and take the minimum. This is known as devata. The cow takes very less from us and gives us more. Therefore indian people have proved this with the help of strict devotion and dedication that cow has a prominent place in the indian life and economy. Wealth, religion, sex and salvation are accomplished with the service of the cow. Indian farmer used to known as king or the giver of grains due to the developed tradition of india thousands of years back. When we were popular as golden bird and world guru then this was the basic mantra. Our entire life is dependent on cow.
The whole world calls cow as mother. The reason is that the birth-giving mother COW URINE CAN CURE MANY DISEASESCOW URINE CAN CURE MANY DISEASESgives milk to its child only for one or two years, but the mother cow gives milk throughout its life, which is like nectar. A black cow is tied in the shiva temple, when we see the shiva along with the black cow then we are able to overcome the malefic effects of planets in our natal horoscope. When we see the ankles of the cow we protect ourselves from sudden deaths. Taking rounds of the cow ie. Parikrama, is equivalent to visiting all the holy places. As the paipal tree and holy basil plant give oxygen similarly cow is the only animal, which emits major amount of oxygen. If one spoon of pure ghee is poured on the burning cow cakes dung (fuel) then they can produce one-ton oxygen, therefore ghee made with cow milk is used in sacrificial fires and havans. There is no other better method to remove pollution.
The cow milk, butter, ghee and buttermilk are like nectar. The cow dung is not faeces but purifier of faeces. It produces best quality of grains, fruits, and vegetables by becoming the best type of manure. Cow urine is a divine medicines and is a pesticide for the crops. Pure ghee made with cow milk on the cow cakes, the smoke emitted thereby subsides the effect of poisonous gas. Cow urine contains copper, which converts into gold inside the human body. it removes the toxicity. Drinking cow milk gives strength and increases the pure qualities in the human mind.
The horns and hunch of cow are like two powerful pyramids. We receive the strengths of stars and sun through the medium of cow dung, milk, curd, ghee etc. The place where the cow is tied does not produce any vastu related ill effects. If there is any malefic effect of any planet, serving the cow with chapatti, jaggery calms down the malefic effect.
Cow urine therapy is helpful in Cancer, diabetes patient, aids, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease, prostrate, piles, asthma, isnophilia, cough, phlegm, varicose veins, dismonerrhoea, cholesterol, chest pain,aids, migraine,headache, tension, constipation,
thyroid, eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems,psoriaisis,liver disorder,kidney problem,gynae and many such disease.
All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]
Thank You,
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All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]
Thank You,
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