Ayurveda Ayurveda and Modern Ayurvedic Treatment methods

VULVITIS AND ITS AYURVEDIC TREATMENT In Ayurveda Vulvitis has been described


In Ayurveda Vulvitis has been described as“BHAG SOTH”.

Vulvitis is defined as inflammation of external female genitalia.

Actually vulvitis is not a condition or disease it is a symptom that results from a number of different types of causes such as allergy,infection injury and external irritants.

Vulvitis can affect women of all ages. In young girls and postmenopausal women, the condition may be caused by low estrogen levels.

Vulvitis can be caused by contribution of several factors:

1. Chronic dermatitis
3. Eczema
4. Allergies
5.Oral sex
6.Scented or colored toilet tissue
7. Bacterial infection
8. Fungal infection
9. Hot tubs
10. Horse riding
11. Wearing wet swimming suits for long time
12. Rubbing against a bicycle seat
13.Allergic reactions to products such as:

• soaps,
• shampoos,
• bubble baths,
• powders,
• deodorants,
• sanitary napkins,
• non-cotton underwear,
• pantyhose,
• vaginal douches,
• topical medications.

14. Douches that are too strong or used too frequently
15. spermicides

Who is at risk for vulvitis?

Any woman with certain allergies, sensitivities, infections, or diseases can develop vulvitis. Girls who have not yet reached puberty and postmenopausal women sometimes develop vulvitis, possibly because of inadequate levels of estrogen.

Each women experience different types of symptoms on getting vulvitis but some of the common symptoms are.

• Itching and burning of the vulvar skin

•Redness and swelling of the vulvar skin

• Swelling

• Fluid-filled, clear blisters that break open, and form a crust (sometimes mistaken for herpes)

• Soreness

• Scally appearence

• Thickened or whitish patches

• Possible small cracks in the vulvar skin

• Possible vaginal discharge

For a wommen having these symptoms should note that she should not scratch as this may lead to further irritation and/or infection.One more important thing to note is that over cleaning of the effected area can lead to further irritation so it’s best to wash once a day with warm water only when symptoms of vulvitis are present.

1. A pelvic examination often reveals redness and thickening and may reveal cracks or skin lesions on the vulva.
2. If there is any vaginal discharge, a wet prep inspection may reveal vaginal infection such as vulvovaginitis or vaginitis as the source.
(a)Routine examination urine
(b)Urine culture
(d)Pap test – test that involves microscopic examination of cells collected from the cervix, used to detect changes that may be cancer or may lead to cancer, and to show noncancerous conditions, such as infection or inflammation.

• Discontinue the use of any potential irritants.

• If discharge from a vaginal infection is the cause of vulvitis, the source of the vaginal infection should be treated.
• Anuvasana basti (or enema prepared with uncoctous substances and medicament).
• Garlic taken both orally and inserted into vagina is helpfull due to it’s antibacterial and antifungal action.

Commonly used drugs
• Choorna
o Gokshuradi choorna
o Punarnava vastaka choorna

• Rasakalpa
o Chandrakala rasa

• Ghrita
o Gokshuradi ghritam

o Traikantha ghritam

• Vati
o Gokshuradi guggulu vati

o Chandraprabha vati

• Avaleha
o Shatavari gula


Since one of the main causes of vulvitis is exposure of the vulva to chemicals (bubble bath, douches, detergents, fabric softeners, perfumes, etc.), or other irritating materials (wool, fibrous, or “itchy” materials), daily cleansing with mild soap, adequate rinsing, and thorough drying of the genital area is one of the best ways to avoid it. Also, avoid using feminine hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.

Avoid wearing extremely tight-fitting pants or shorts, which may cause irritation by constantly rubbing against the skin and by holding in heat and restricting air circulation. Underwear made of silk or nylon is not very absorbant and also restricts air circulation. This can increase sweating in the genital area, which can cause irritation and may provide a more welcoming environment for infectious organisms.

Wearing cotton underwear or pantyhose that have a cotton crotch allow better air circulation and can decrease the amount of moisture in the area. For the above-mentioned reasons, you should also avoid wearing sweaty exercise clothing for prolonged periods. Not wearing underwear while sleeping will also allow more air circulation.

Those infections that may be spread by intimate or sexual contact may be prevented or minimized by practicing abstinence or using safer sexual behaviors, especially condom use.

All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]

Thank You,

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