
Infertility and Ayurvedic Treatment Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of

Infertility and Ayurvedic Treatment

Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to . Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some which may be bypassed with medical intervention.
Reproductive endocrinologists, the doctors specializing in infertility, consider a couple to be infertile if:

the couple has not conceived after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is under the age of 34
the couple has not conceived after 6 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is over the age of 35 (declining egg quality of females over the age of 35 account for the age-based discrepancy as when to seek medical intervention)
the female is incapable of carrying a pregnancy to term.
There are two types of infertility in general, Primary and Secondary. Coup
les who have never been able to conceive is known as Primary infertility, but the copules who have conceived once and carried a full term pregnancy, but face difficulty in conceiving for the next time is know as Secondary Infertility.

In some cases, both the man and woman may be infertile or sub-fertile, and the couple’s infertility arises from the combination of these conditions. In other cases, the cause is suspected to be immunological or genetic; it may be that each partner is independently fertile but the couple cannot conceive together without assistance.

In about 15% of cases the infertility investigation will show no abnormalities. In these cases abnormalities are likely to be present but not detected by current methods. Possible problems could be that the egg is not released at the optimum time for fertilization, so it may not enter the fallopian tube, sperm may not be able to reach the egg, fertilization may fail to occur, transport of the zygote may be disturbed, or implantation fails. It is increasingly recognized that egg quality is of critical importance and women of advanced maternal age have eggs of reduced capacity for normal and successful fertilization.

Infertility: An Ayurvedic View

Ayurveda is a science of wellness. Ayurveda not only aims about the absence of the diseases and sign and symptoms but also aims at the general health and wellness of one in all spheres. Infertility is not less than a psychological trauma to a couple. Every lady wants to be mother and every man wants to be responsible as a father. When it doesn’t happen it is not less than a trauma for anyone. When expectations are not achieved by any reason, obviously it hurts!!

Ayurveda has developed a special branch to deal with such problems, known as Vajikarana. Vajikarana, means to make one potent like a Vaji- A Horse!! Every ancient science of the world used horses as symbol of the reproductive powers. Some "QUACKS" who are not well known to the real Ayurveda, tells that Vajikarana is a part of Ayurveda aimed to increase the sexual powers only, which is never right.

According to Ayurveda, conception takes place due to healthy sperm, healthy ovum, and a healthy uterus. For both men and women, reproductive health depends on the health of the Shukra Dhatu, or reproductive tissue. In women the Shukra tissue produces the ovum as part of the monthly cycle, and in men the semen is formed due to sexual stimulation.

The Shukra Dhatu itself is created as part of a long chain of metabolic transformations, starting with the digestion of food and including the transformation of food to nutrient fluid, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and finally, to Shukra tissue. (These are detailed under the icon Basic Principles of Ayurveda as Nutritive Levels of the body.) Healthy Shukra Dhatu, then, according to Ayurveda, depends on the health of all the other tissues in the body.

Causes of Infertility According to Ayurveda
Problems with infertility can arise when nutrition does not reach the reproductive tissue; this can happen due to under nutrition, poor digestion or obstruction due to toxins.
Having sex by compulsion with a person whom you do not like.
Mental disturbance- diseases like anxiety, depression and insomnia.
To not to control the sexual excitement, and to do the wrong jobs to satisfy oneself.
Eating spicy, salty and hot food increase Pitta and destroys weakens and restricts the formation of Shukra Dhatu.
Overindulgence in sexual activities leads to Shukra Kshaya. It may lead to Klebya (impotency).
By controlling sexual urges for longer duration leads to Veeryaavarodha (Obstruction of semen) and this leads to decreased libido.
Infertility can also arise when the reproductive tissue is damaged by infection or trauma.
Some acquire the impotency by birth- the well known genetic causes.
These are some general causes told according to Ayurveda, responsible for the infertility. There are several medicines in Ayurveda to treat the cases of infertility but we strongly recommend to visitors to discuss all with our team of doctors, so that we can serve you in a better way. Just fill the forms below and we will be back to you with best opinions……

Sexual life in Ayurvedic view point

Sex has always been an issue of dichotomy. An integral part of our lives and essential for the continuation of the species, it is far more than just a technical necessity. While social structures in India are quite strict on this, the study of
sex – from both its physical and psychological perspectives – has been practiced here from ancient times. Unlike in the west, where this is a fairly recent phenomenon and they are yet to find the proper line of distinction between sex in general and pornography in particular.

On the other hand Maharishi Vatsayan’s Kamasutra is yet unparalleled as the
most comprehensive documentation ever on the practice of sex. Unfortunately,
its classic treatment of the act and the art has often been misrepresented. The ancient Ayurvedic text of Charaka Samhita provided complete sexual solutions over 3000 years ago And the time-frozen, stone-carved, erotic sculptures in the temples at Khajuraho and Konarak leave millions of visitors utterly awe-struck by their sheer beauty, elegance and variety. An undying testimony to how intrinsic sex was to the daily lives of people in ancient India.

The importance of sex in our lives has remained quite unchanged. The crucial points to be kept in mind in relation to the same being:

· Sex is an integral part of our daily habits (Dinacharya).

· Night and after two hours of dinner is the ideal time for intimacy, as it is kapha time.

· An absolutely satisfying sexual union, when developed over time, bestows you and your partner with health and vitality.

· For best results, each of the partners should be physically, emotionally and spiritually involved with the other.

· Touch, smell, food, music and ambience play a vital role in developing, increasing and prolonging intimacy.

· Perverted or unsatisfying sex has adverse effects on your mental and physical health, as it aggravates your vital energies (doshas) and reduces immunity. An aggravated vata will make you more emotionally vulnerable
and fear-prone, increased pitta will move you to anger and even frustration and enhanced kapha will make you more possessive.

· The frequency of sex depends on your constitution and seasons – kapha types indulge in sex more frequently than your vata & pitta types thanks to the extra stamina they possess.

· vata types might find satisfaction in changing partners. While the
difficult-to-quench-their-desires pitta types are usually in quest for
more intensity.

For more an

d better sex therefore, one can practice Vajikaran therapy (virlification) – that part of Ayurveda which enhances male fertility and potency. However, any misuse of the same may open up a deluge of emotional and psychological complications. Use of similar medication (aphrodisiac supplements) instantly induces sexual pleasure and excitement, increases sexual stamina and promotes fertile seminal secretions.

For each of the most common types of problems that can occur the remedies have been listed below:


The most common problem of sexual dissatisfaction is premature ejaculation in males. Because it cut shorts the duration of intimacy and the couple cannot achieve full orgasm.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Shilajit – one tablet, twice daily, with milk / fruit juice or water for 3 to 4 months.
b) Stress Guard – one capsule, twice daily, with milk or fruits juice.
c) Sri Gopal Taila – for gentle massage on male organ except glans penis, before half an hour of intimacy.


In most cases the root cause for this is very psychological. However, it is imperative to first check on all the pathological / physical causes. After treating them, the patients’ self-confidence needs to be restored too.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Shilajit – one tablet, twice daily, with honey.
b) Stress Guard – one cap, twice daily, with milk or fruit juice.
c) Sri Gopal Taila – for gentle massage on genital organ.


The hectic pace of ultra modern lifestyle causes severe tension and excessive fatigue within individuals. This is usually the prime cause for lack of libido and unsatisfactory sexual performance.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Vita Ex Gold – one capsule, twice daily, with milk or fruit juice.
b) Ashwagandharishta – four t.s.f, twice daily, with water after meal.
c) Sri Gopal Taila – for massaging gently on male genital organ

Infertility, female
Infertility, male


Male infertility is often due to the sperm count falling below the fertility level. A large number of sperms are not motile, viable or exhibit morphological abnormalities.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Shilajit – one or two tablets, twice daily, with milk or butter.
b) Dhatupaustic Churna – one t.s.f. twice daily, with milk.
c) Ashwagandharishta – four t.s.f. twice daily, after milk, with water. All of these must be followed for 3 – 4 months to obtain results.


It is an involuntary discharge of semen without undergoing orgasm. A distressing symptom in many patients, it leads to psychosomatic complaints as lack of concentration, headaches, excessive sweating, giddiness etc. Usually happens during sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Mehamudgar Bati – one tab, twice daily
b) Swapnadoshhari Bati – two pills, two to three times daily, with water.
c) Chandraprabha Bati – two tablets, twice daily, with water.


With the hectic lifestyles of this age and advancing years, the male desire for sexual intercourse tends to taper off early and sexual intimacy tends to become unsatisfactory.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Vita Ex Gold – one capsule, twice or thrice daily, with milk or water.
b) Stress Guard – one capsule, twice daily, with milk / water.
c) Sri Gopal Taila – massage gently on male genital organ.


Mainly psychogenic in origin, it is directly related to anxiety regarding sexual performance.

Herbal Remedy:
a) Ashwagandha Churna – one tsp, twice daily, with warm milk.
b) Dhatupaustik Churna – 5 to 10 gm twice daily
c) Sri Gopal Taila – for massage on male genital organ.


Provides medicines for both male and female infertility.




















LAKSHADITHAILAM {for external application over pelvic region.}

All the above articles / blog posts are not the original contribution from author, please consider a opinion of qualified doctor, if you considering this. If you need a advice please contact Dr. Anil Joy email: [email protected]

Thank You,

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